Male Sexual Performance, PE & ED
Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction can be deeply distressing for men and can have a profound impact on their internal relationships, their self-esteem. This leads men to develop destructive habits in efforts to cope with the insecurity. Many men struggle with these issues in silence, feeling ashamed or embarrassed to seek help.
Fortunately, hypnotherapy and other related modalities can offer a safe and effective solution for men struggling with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
Hypnotherapy works by addressing the underlying psychological factors that contribute to these issues while simultaneously looking at the root cause of either PE or ED.
Many times what we find at the root of our sexual issues is either hyper tension in our bodies, especially in our pelvic floor which could be the cause of many things that have occurred in our life.

We may have developed bad sexual habits when we were younger and our bodies are still stuck in that somatic behavior.
Sometimes we have deep rooted trauma that causes a lot of shame and guilt around our sensuality and our sexuality. In these experiences we create beliefs and draw conclusions about ourselves that are detrimental to our sexual health.
Fortunately, hypnotherapy can offer a safe and effective solution for men struggling with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Personally I have found that hypnosis and breathwork work wonders with my clients that suffer from PE or ED.
One of the fundamental principles of hypnotherapy is deep relaxation, helping men to feel to feel less tension in their bodies, we can then work with the subconscious mind to reframe negative thoughts and beliefs and develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing performance anxiety and stress.
In addition, this work can help men to improve their overall sexual health and wellbeing. By addressing issues such as performance anxiety, low libido, and self-esteem. This leads to feeling more confident in their sexual performance, leading to longer-lasting and more fulfilling sexual experiences.